Access to clean water is a basic human need. Sustainable Development Goal target 6.1 calls for universal & equitable access to safe & affordable drinking water. However, most people living in remote areas in Cambodia are in dire need of improved water sources for drinking & domestic consumption that can contribute to better health & poverty alleviation.
Our Cambodian NGO, Emaan Foundation Cambodia (EFC) has been implementing the Clean Water Project since its establishment in 2015.
There are many NGOs​​​ implementing clean water projects in Cambodia, especially in provinces around the capital city Phnom Penh. The main reasons are logistical convenience & lower cost. However, the beneficiaries in these areas already have an excess supply of water pumps & wells compared to those further from the capital & remote areas which are difficult to access due to road conditions & logistical issues.
5 Principles to ensure sustainability & equality

Identify the real needs of communities & beneficiaries regardless of location

Encourage the participation & ownership from beneficiaries & community

Serving all beneficiaries regardless of religion & ethnicity, unless specified by donor

Frequent water quality test & follow-up on the condition of water pumps & wells

Engage local authorities & partners in planning & implementation.